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Below you may review past events and photos from activities of Harvard Club of Greece.
Pie Cutting Event

Pie Cutting Event

On Thursday, February 23, 2017 we joined fellow local alumni for a New Year's Reception & Pie Cutting Event. The event was co-organized with the Imperial College Business School Alumni of Greece & the Imperial College Alumni of Greece

Global Networking Night

Global Networking Night

On Thursday, January 12, 2017 we joined fellow local alumni for Global Networking Night. The Global Networking Night event drew more than 5,500 alumni in 72 cities!

Necessary reforms for Greece

Necessary reforms for Greece

On Monday, 19th of December 2016, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the President of New Democracy, spoke about "The reforms needed by our country to recover from the crisis"

Competitive US admissions

Competitive US admissions

On Wendesday, October 5 2016, Janet Irons, the Senior Associate Director of Financial Aid & Senior Admissions Officer at Harvard University, spoke about "Competitive US undergraduate admissions: Harvard University"

Global Networking Night

Global Networking Night

On Tuesday, June 16, 2016 we joined fellow local alumni for Global Networking Night. The Global Networking Night event drew more than 5,500 alumni in 72 cities!

Athens: Challenges of a modern city

Athens: Challenges of a modern city

On Wednesday, May 25 2016, the Mayor of Athens, Georgios Kaminis, spoke about "Athens: Faced with the challenges of a modern city"

New drugs for obesity

New drugs for obesity

On 9th of May 2016 Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School Christos Mantzoros spoke about the "Developing new drugs for obesity and diabetes: Benefits for the patient and society" at the University of Athens.

Global Networking Night

Global Networking Night

On Tuesday, January 22, 2016 we joined fellow local alumni for Global Networking Night. The Global Networking Night event drew more than 5,500 alumni in 72 cities!

Global Networking Night

Global Networking Night

On Monday, June 22, 2015 we joined fellow local alumni for Global Networking Night. The Global Networking Night event drew more than 5,500 alumni in 72 cities!

Changing Athens

Changing Athens

On July 7th, 2014 in The HUB we had the great pleasure to host an architectural event with speakers Giorgio Bianchi (Renzo Piano Building Workshop) and Martin Knuit (OKRA). Georgios Panetsos was the commentator and Alexandros Samaras the chair of the panel. The presentations and discussion were about the Stavros Niarhos Foundation Cultural Center and the Rethink Athens Project by Alexander S. Onassis Foundation.

After the Memorandum, What?

After the Memorandum, What?

On February 20th, 2014 in Aegli Zappiou, we had the great honor to host an event with the former Prime Minister George Papandreou "After the Memorandum, What?". Reception followed.



Event with Prime Minister Antonis Samaras ​ On November 7th, 2013 in Grande Bretagne Hotel, we had the great honor to host an event with the Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. Reception followed.

The Challenge of Elliniko

The Challenge of Elliniko

On January 30th, 2012 in Le Grand Balcon St. George Lycabettus Hotel, we had the great honor to host an event with professor Spiro Pollalis regarding "The Challenge of Elliniko". Reception followed including a ceremony of honorary awards and the cutting of new year's pie.

Recovering from the Crisis

Recovering from the Crisis

On June 12th, 2013 in B & M Theocharakis Foundation for the Fine Arts & Music, we had the great honor to host an event with the former Minister of Finance of Cyprus Dr. Michael Sarris "Recovering from the Crisis". Reception followed.

X PRIZE Foundation

X PRIZE Foundation

Joint Event of Harvard and MIT with Dr. Peter Diamandis ​ On September 24th, 2013 in Eugenides Foundation, we had the great honor to co-host with the MIT Club of Greece an event with Dr. Peter Diamandis, founder and chairman of the X PRIZE Foundation. Reception followed.

Invitations from former events
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